But not just any banjo

Porsche 356 Steering wheel


This wheel is a rather accurate reproduction for the special wheel fitted by the factory on 911R racing design. It had been created because of the help and cooperation of people in the R Gruppe, Jurgen Barth yet others. Its similarly home in every roadway automobile plus the original design billet hub and horn button are available. The Porsche Ultima key might fit and. On a restricted basis, please call for existing accessibility.


This is a tremendously correct reproduction of the very unusual 901 timber wheel since used on initial manufacturing 911 cars. It features an alloy armature subjected regarding internal rim exactly as the original. The wheel is constructed with a rather exact hub center properly riveted with genuine German DIN metal rivets because the initial. It takes all style horn option centers made use of from 1965 through 1973 and will be fitted directly to those exact same year 911 and 912 Porsches. Guaranteed to surpass your greatest expectations.

(15 & 16 Inch Flat Derrington Wheel)

This gorgeous wheel is a relaxation associated with initial Derrington wheel from the 1950’s. They are handcrafted solely for Classico Wheels in Europe towards the very greatest standards and should never be in comparison to inexpensive imitations. The conclusion and detailing associated with the lumber and armature spot these wheels...

Porsche 911ST controls Porshe Steering Wheels Porsche controls 911-901-VDM

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Source: www.classicowheels.com
Porsche Carbon fiber Steering wheel with Suede Dark grey
Porsche Carbon fiber Steering wheel with Suede Dark grey
Porsche 356 leaving Wheels Day 2012
Porsche 356 leaving Wheels Day 2012
steering wheel button control Porsche Cayenne.AVI
steering wheel button control Porsche Cayenne.AVI

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